As an Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.Ac, TCMP), Thomas is dedicated to helping patients find relief from a wide range of health concerns, including muscle and joint pain, TMJ issues, headaches, sleep disorders, digestive problems, anxiety, skin conditions, and hormonal imbalances such as thyroid issues. His approach blends the empirical wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with modern scientific insights to offer holistic care that goes beyond symptom management—addressing the deeper root causes of illness.
Licensed to prescribe herbal remedies and well-versed in techniques like acupuncture, cupping, and tuina, Thomas tailors each treatment to the individual’s unique health profile. His ongoing education in Osteopathy, combined with a commitment to integrating modern diagnostic techniques and research, ensures that his practice is progressive—adapting traditional approaches to meet the evolving needs of patients.